Sunday, November 25, 2007


Thanksgiving was a great day. The food was wonderful and we had a great time with our family. Grandma made the most delicious pies, even though she couldn't quite remember how to cut a pie. She is quite the lil' artist.
After dinner and dishes, Dad, Nate, Calixta, and I went for a walk. We heard stories of dads childhood and saw his old house.
It was a fun day. I am defiantly thankful for my family.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Fall is beautiful

Haleigh miss her siblings being around. She does odd things to entertain herself. Trust me, this wasn't a graceful landing. She is still in pain.

Happy Birthday Skyler

Sunday, November 4, 2007

I finished It

The color should be correct on this one

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Guess Who Haleigh is?

They went to Velour
to watch Monkeygrinder. Nate played on the sidewalk out front