Thursday, October 4, 2007

I did 2 more


Unknown said...

I like both of these. They have really good composition and I'd like to see them in person (like all your paintings, the texture is lost in photographs.) -Kj

Rett, Ashby said...

They were both painted on location,
something I don't do very often

Unknown said...

Where are these places located? Do you paint the whole thing to completion while on location, or get a pretty good rough, then finish it later?

I like these two, but I think my personal favorite (based on these small copies) of your recently posted paintings is the one posted on Sept. 15. It's simple, but not really. It's polite but strong. Maybe I just like rich complex foregrounds.

Rett, Ashby said...

I painted these for a "paint out" held by Apple Frame Galley
They have artists come and paint for three days in areas where Leconte Stewart painted. These were both painted in the Kaysville
area. I finish them on site and at the end of the week there is a sale and everyone votes on there favorite of coarse i won that and the $500.00 prize. The painting sold and I never got a Picture of it. not a bad day